
Remote sensing, GIS specialist

I have designed this webpage to introduce myself and showcase my professional online portfolio. By navigating to the ‘Professional ePortfolio’ tab, you can explore my past work experiences, browse through some of the notable projects I have undertaken, and download all my published work. The ‘Personal’ tab is dedicated to my interests, side projects, and hobbies.
I sincerely hope that my work and my page resonate with you. If so, it would be my pleasure to connect with you and explore potential collaboration opportunities. Thank you for visiting my website.

What do I do?

My passion for space technology and its limitless possibilities has always been a driving force behind my career pursuits. I have contributed to numerous European projects focused on machine learning, neural networks, image classification, and object-based image analysis.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are an essential part of modern geospatial thinking. The technology that underlies GIS is fundamental to monitoring and analyzing the environment, and to making effective plans regarding resource allocation, land-use planning, and environmental management.

Geoscience investigates the past, measures the present, and models the future behavior of our planet. It is a complex discipline that combines remote sensing, GIS and big data, and seeks answers to questions such as the interaction between humans and the Earth, making it an indispensable field for the 21st century.

Lively communication, problem-solving, and diversity – that’s what organizing and coordinating mean to me, and I have demonstrated this skill set at several large events.

Networking and exchanging ideas are crucial components of promoting innovation and technological advancement. For this reason, I make it a point to attend and participate as a speaker in various conferences whenever possible.

To me, design is more than a mere hobby or just graphic design; it involves meticulous and deliberate planning that culminates in a cohesive and integrated system or whole.

Managing a vineyard was an invaluable experience for me, during which I developed my knowledge and skills not only in wine culture and gastronomy but also in my appreciation for hard work.

I am Levente Papp

Remote sensing, GIS specialist
As a strategic thinker, an open-minded person, I look for challenges that involve the opportunity to combine my geospatial approach with my interest in management, learning something new every day.